A good job, much needed, and well done."-J. "Engagingly and with verve, this book shows us how to start living with God. Stowell, teaching pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel

"At last a book about intimacy with God in terms we all can get our hearts around! This is a great read for those who need a fresh perspective that measures up to reality."-Dr. Get ready to meet God again for the first time. God longs for you to know him as he really is. It will change the way you pray, the way you live, and the way you think about the world around you. Join Chip Ingram in this fascinating study of seven attributes of God: his goodness, sovereignty, holiness, wisdom, justice, love, and faithfulness. So how would you describe God? And how does your view of God impact your life? How would you describe your best friend? Your spouse? Your children? When we know people well, our descriptions of them are richer and fuller than of those we know as mere acquaintances. God as He Longs for Us to See Him by Chip Ingram is a scripture filled, straight forward, quick read that discusses Gods attributes and He wants us to see Him.